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The CASHFLOW Series 7000 has been the reliable choice in over 1 million operator installations since its release. The industry’s first coin manager goes beyond just accepting and dispensing coins. It helps operators make smarter decisions. Unique tracking and diagnostic capabilities give operators the tools and business information they need to better manage their cash and increase profits. The CASHFLOW 7000 provides a low cost of ownership to operators because it is a low maintenance device that’s built to last and perform.


  • Features

    • Navigating coin inventory management
      • Submarines are not the only beneficiary of sonar’s pin-point accuracy. MEI leverages this powerful detection technology tool in its industry-leading coin manager. Sonar technology inside the CASHFLOW 7000 (CF7000) measures the value of coins in each of its 5 tubes. Its accuracy is on point to ±1 coin, per tube. The information is conveniently displayed in real time on a 3-line LCD screen. Even if a driver loads tubes manually, the CF7000 will automatically track and account for the new total.
    • Know exactly what you have.
      • The CF7000 can easily manage the amount of coin inventory kept in the machine, so you don’t have cash tied up unnecessarily. Choose from 3 different par levels to set your inventory level, all easily set by the touch of a button.
        • Par to Level
        • Par to Value
        • Par to Auto
    • Optimizing payout
      • Running in exact-change mode is a top concern for operators. Unlike other industry coin mechs, the CF7000 is intuitive enough to override payout commands from the vending machine. If necessary, it will rebalance tube levels by modifying coin payouts to maximize the number of vends for the change fund available. It’s even smart enough to recommend a better tube configuration within your par setting if these payout situations frequently occur. The tubes are even field-configurable to change on demand. When combined with a CASHFLOW validator or VNR recycler, you’ll keep the cash flowing.
    • Auditing data and diagnostics
      • The LED display and Smart Menu provide a window into your business at the machine. Historical data – including bills stacked – coins to cashbox, current tube status, and critical business statistics, are all available to review on demand or downloadable. Self-diagnostics are built in to walk you step by step through issues that occur. Troubleshooting tips will pop up on the display, to enable problem solving right in the field, saving expensive service calls and time.
    • Making it easy to use
      • The intuitive design of the CF7000’s Smart Menu simplifies training and is available in 10 languages. Software downloads are easily done through the CPM (changer programming module). The CF7000’s user-friendly design allows for easy access to the coin path to remove debris without tools or service calls. It’s even water-resistant. Coin tubes are easily filled with its free-standing cassette, which can be hooked onto the unit via a built-on hook, for an additional coin fill option. Accept free vend and value tokens, as you like. It’s known for its superior jam resistance and quality – ask our 1 million customer installs! We’ve been making a point of difference at the point of sale.
  • Dimensions

    • Height: ?
    • Width: ?
    • Depth: ?
  • Download Brochure

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  • Model Number


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